Elbert County Democratic Party

"Providing Real Solutions for Elbert County"

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Elbert County Dems Do Your Part

After several tumultuous months, the Democratic Party is finally back on track. We have nominated two highly qualified, competent candidates to lead us for the next four years. Kamala Harris and Tim Walz have what it takes to to build on the amazing accomplishments of Joe Biden, and to protect and improve the quality of life in our nation.

The Democratic Convention demonstrated the joy and hope that we Democrats now feel. However, we must not be complacent. There is a lot of work to be done. To succeed in winning this election we must all do our part. The alternative result is too unbearable to contemplate.

We must contribute to the various Democratic campaigns in our communities, as well as the national contest. We must volunteer to help distribute information whenever possible. But most of all. we must get out the vote. Encourage your young Democratic friends to register to vote of they have not already done so. Offer to drive your elderly neighbors to the polls if they must vote in person. Remind voters with mail-in ballots to properly fill them out and send them in.
The excuse that “ my one vote won’t make a difference” does not fly! Multiply that one vote by hundreds or thousands and that determines who wins or loses.

Talk to your Unaffiliated and Republican friends and neighbors. Nicely explain to them that Democrats want a government that does what is best for all its citizens, regardless of political affiliation. We all want freedom; freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom to find purpose and happiness in our lives. Some of these things we can achieve on our own. But with some things we need help from our government. To ensure our ability to to travel safely, by car train or plane we need the help of government. To obtain access to quality ,affordable healthcare we need the help of government. To access education and prepare for the challenges of the future, we and our children need the government to help. To ensure the safety of the food and drugs we need the assistance of government. There is great value in individual initiative. But sometimes we all need a little outside help.

This election will determine the quality of the government that leads us for the next four years. If you want a government that helps regardless of political affiliation, race or economic status we all must do what it takes to help our Democratic candidates win.

Harris and Walz for President and Vice president

Trisha Calvarese for US Legislature Colorado District 4 (CD4)

Alessandra Navetta for Colorado Legislature District 56 (HD56)

Karen Breslin for District Attorney Judicial District 23

Alessandra Navetta

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Website: vote4navetta.com/

Hello Elbert County Dems...

The Elbert County Democratic Party has purchased HARRIS/WALZ lawn signs for distribution to Elbert Dems who would like to display them on their property. You may place them on private property at any time. Placing them on public right of ways is dependent on your local city or county ordinances. In general they are allowed on public property approximately one month before an election.

You may contact us at 303-646-0595 or 248-390-1309 to make arrangements to obtain your lawn sign.

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Officers for the E. C. Democratic Party

Chair - Kathleen Conway 303-908-0831
1st Vice Chair - Alessandra (Sandy) Navetta
2nd Vice Chair - Douglas Watkins
Secretary - Susan Shick
Treasurer - Kay Seifried

Reference sources/links for useful information:

Feel free to share this information with other Dems in the county.
To receive the county Dems newsletter: email to jduvall908@aol.com

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Check out the new magnets the Dems are putting in the “Welcome” baskets for new county residents!
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The Elbert County Democratic Party continues to be focused on solutions to some of the issues that face Elbert County residents.

For more information, contact me.
Kathleen Conway, Chairperson
Elbert County Democratic Party

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